Category: ASP.NET
Loading a custom control at runtime
You can load a server control to your page using the constructor of the control. For example a Literal control can be loaded as follows:
new Literal
Text = string.Format("{0}.{1}",
method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name)
When it comes to a custom control you also want the markup code of you custom control to be loaded too. So you need to tell the Page o load it for you:
var nameBox = (NameBox) Page.LoadControl("NameBox.ascx");
Basically, you could do this at any time, but it is recommanded to do this at Page_Load the reason is that this is the best place for the control to restore its state and receive postback events. Also the binding will take place after this method. Look at my previous post for the sequence of the events and method calls when page gets loaded.
It is also recomannded to set a unique ID to that control if you need to find that later using FindControl, or some one else want to find where you have put it 🙂
So, my load method will look like this:
private void LoadMyControls()
var nameBox = (NameBox) Page.LoadControl("NameBox.ascx");
// Give the user control a unique name by setting its ID property.
// You can use this information to retrieve a reference to the control
// when you need it with the Page.FindControl() method.
nameBox.ID = "nameBox";
nameBox.FirstName = "Asghar";
nameBox.LastName = "Panahy";
nameBox.ChangeRequest += ChangeName;
When I call LoadMyControls() in Page_Load method, I see the following sequence in my output:
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnDataBinding
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.get_LastName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnUnload
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnUnload
Notice that the custom control gets its data binded just after the page has passed Loading which is a good thing.
ASP Page en Control Lifecycle
When I put a logging in a couple of override methods of a NameBox control and load the page containing the custom control I see the following:
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnDataBinding
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.get_LastName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnUnload
It is important to note that Page_Load is long before OnLoad method, similar to Page_Init versus OnInit.
Next I click on the change button to post back to handle the event and I see the following:
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnDataBinding
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.get_LastName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.ChangeRequestClicked
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnUnload
Next, I add some similar loggging to the page that contains the control and see what happens when I load the page:
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnDataBinding
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.get_LastName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnUnload
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnUnload
So, The OnLoad method gets called after binding whereas the Page_Load is about before the binding. Obviously, if you need to initialize your data, you better put your code in OnInit rather that OnLoad or Page_Load.
Another important thig here is the PreRender methods. These methods get called after load has been completed and the data is assumed to be in place.
Now let’s see what happens when I click a button on the control which causes a postback:
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Init
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnInit
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.Page_Load
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnDataBinding
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.get_LastName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnLoad
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.ChangeRequestClicked
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.ChangeName
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnPreRender
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources.NameBox.OnUnload
STARTING: MCTS._70_515.Resources._Default.OnUnload
Both event handlers in the control and in the page are called after all controls and the page has been loaded and the data is binded too, just before the rendering take place.
Implementing custom FileCacheProvider
This is a summerized version of what you can find in the APress book Chapter 11.
IIS Url Forwarding
One easy way of forwarding can be stablished from within the Web.config in the system.web section:
<urlmappings enabled="true"><blockquote><p><urlmappings enabled="true">
<add mappedurl="~/default.aspx?parm1=1" url="~/home">
<add mappedurl="~/Products.aspx" url="~/products">
<add mappedurl="~/Product.aspx?id=1" url="~/product">
Catch the Session Expired case
The project I am working on requires to show a nice custom error page to the user when the session is expired. I searched a bit on the internet and came up with a good solution in which I worked it out as follows:
void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null && HttpContext.Current.Session.IsNewSession)
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"] != null)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/Errors/SessionTimeout.aspx", true);
As you can see I clear the session before redirecting to the SessionTimeout.aspx. The reason for that is that I want the user have a choice of going to login screen by providing a link in the SessionTimeout.aspx. And the login requires a session state unlike the SessionTimeout.aspx that has the attribute EnableSessionState="False"
URL properties of Request to ASP.NET
The following attributes are some of the usefull properties of the URL object. I use the following url to send my request to localhost:
And I get the following results:
AbsolutePath = /Test/Asghar.aspx
AbsoluteUri = http://localhost/Test/Asghar.aspx?test=fine
Authority = localhost
DnsSafeHost = localhost
Fragment =
Host = localhost
HostNameType= Dns
IsAbsoluteUri = True
IsFile = False
LocalPath = /Test/Asghar.aspx
OriginalString = http://localhost:80/Test/Asghar.aspx?test=fine
PathAndQuery = /Test/Asghar.aspx?test=fine
Port = 80
Query = ?test=fine
Scheme = http
UserEscaped = False
UserInfo =
And the code to do it is as followes:
AbsolutePath = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath %><br />
AbsoluteUri = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri %><br />
Authority = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority %><br />
DnsSafeHost = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.DnsSafeHost %><br />
Fragment = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Fragment %><br />
Host = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host %><br />
HostNameType= <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.HostNameType.ToString() %><br />
IsAbsoluteUri = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.IsAbsoluteUri %><br />
IsFile = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.IsFile %><br />
LocalPath = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath %><br />
OriginalString = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.OriginalString %><br />
PathAndQuery = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery %><br />
Port = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port %><br />
Query = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Query %><br />
Scheme = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme %><br />
UserEscaped = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.UserEscaped %><br />
UserInfo = <%= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.UserInfo %><br />
<hr />
ASP.NET assembly build time
One way to put the built date and timeon the footer of your pages is to read the .dll file within the bin folder of your website.
built <%=System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(Server.MapPath("bin") + "\Assembly.dll").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")%>
Distinguish Design time in ASP.NET
From MSDN site:
The easiest method to check if the control is at design mode is simply to check the current HttpContext. If this variable returns Nothing, then the control is in design mode.
Private Function IsDesignMode() As Boolean
If HttpContext.Current Is Nothing Then
mboolDesignMode = True
mboolDesignMode = False
End If
Return mboolDesignMode
End Try
End Function